Civic Association Purpose and Officers

Elk Forest Civic Association

Purpose of Your Civic Association
The Elk Forest Civic Association is comprised of residents working together to improve the community and manage concerns common to all residents of Elk Forest.  Officers volunteer their time to consider issues and to execute decisions that improve the quality of life in the community.  The EFCA is NOT a homeowners’ association,  but a civic association.  Membership is voluntary and open to all property owners in Elk forest.  You do need to be a paid-in-full household to be able to vote on issues that come up for a vote at our public meetings.  Because of the voluntary nature of the Association, the annual $85 dues (dues and mosquito abatement fee) are not formally levied on homeowners, but annually requested.  If all residents do their small part by joining, volunteering and contributing, the Civic Association will continue to have a positive and cost effective impat on our elk forest Community!

Elk Forest Officers and Board Members
Please contact any board member with questions, issues, community needs and ideas.  The term for these positions is 2 years with additional definition identified in the By-laws as  “The elected Officers and Directors may serve a limit of 2 consecutive 2 year terms in any position. If no one is willing to serve, the current Officer or Director may be elected to a 3rd consecutive term”.  If anyone is interested in serving your community, just get in touch with any board member.  As of August 18, 2021, the 2020-2022 Board is summarized below:
  • Co Presidents – Sherri Mitchell & Laurie Leone
  • Vice President – Bill Class
  • Secretary – Christine LaPense
  • Treasurer – Lule Megahed
  • Webmaster – Dave Mitchell
Board Members:
Tom Melnick
Travis Hembree
Ralph DeMartino
Christian LaPense
Past President – Joanne Silverman
Board Position Processes
As board positions pass from person to person, it is useful to have a process that makes this transition easier and error free (as much as we can).  We currently have two in place for the Treasurer and Web Master.
Record Retention Guidelines as managed by the Treasurer (developed by Cris Bookmyer)
Documents, Passwords and Vendors needed to manage (developed by Dave Mitchell)
Stored on the Google Drive account associated with our email:  [email protected]

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