August 10, 2024 1PM -4PM
(Rain Date August 11)
To be held at the Hembree Residence
1420 Elk Forest Road

The Association will supply burgers, hotdogs and beverages. Members are asked to bring a side dish or dessert. Please RSVP to Travis and Samantha at ssmyth@alumni.flagler.edu or phone number 609-425-7166 if you plan to attend and what you will be bringing to share.
At this event we will have a brief business meeting to update you on current information. Please bring any questions or concerns. There will also be an election of officers. Nominations will be accepted from the floor.

Proposed Slate of Officers
Co-Presidents – Sherri Mitchell/Laurie Leone
Vice President – Bill Class
Secretary – Christine LaPense
Treasurer – Lule Megahed
Past President – Joanne Silverman
Web Master – Dave Mitchell

Board Members
Christian LaPense
Ralph DiMartino
Tom Melnick
Travis Hembree


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2024 Progressive Dinner – A great success!

The progressive dinner was a great success and fun was had by all (see the announcment: https://elkforest.com/?p=2088)

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Spring Cleanup – 4/20/24

Meet at the corner of Elk Forest and S. Forest Rd. Tasty donuts and coffee await! See you there.

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New Newsletter! Lots of New Happenings!

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Progressive Dinner – April 20th

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Special Offer for Individual Property Spraying

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Board Meeting – March 26th @ 6:30pm

If you have questions or would like to attend, please call Sherri Mitchell @ 610-255-1414

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Owner of Pyrex dish from the Holiday Party

To the owner of the small pyrex dish with the blue lid (had contained sour cream) from the holiday party, please reach out to christinelapense@gmail.com.

Thank you!

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2024 Elk Forest Holiday Event – January 6, 2024

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Elk Forest Civic Association Newsletter – Fall/Winter 2023

            The Civic Association held a board meeting on November 14th to prepare for the upcoming year.  All members were present. 

           We reviewed the events of the past year.  Some may have noticed that the Cecil County Sheriff’s Department collaborated with us to take a look at the speed of vehicles on Elk Forest Road.  Although we are fortunate to not have had any serious incidents, in general people travel too fast on the road.  Be aware that the Sheriffs said they’d be back to monitor the situation, but it will be with a radar gun and no warnings will be issued.

            The Annual Picnic was a successful gathering, and much thanks go to the LaPense family for offering the use of their property over the past few years.  We will be looking to give them a break and are open to offers from new hosts for next year’s picnic which will be held on August 10th.

            We received a refund from Kirkwood  for mosquito spraying in the amount of $766.20 for three missed sprays (due to weather).   This refund will be applied towards next year’s bill.

            We would like to recognize the Palko Family for hosting the wonderful Halloween Extravaganza. This is not an EFCA sponsored event, but everyone looks forward to the parade and seeing all the little goblins!

            Some neighbors expressed an interest in community service.  In the past we have participated in a cereal drive that was coordinated by the Leone Family.  If you have an interest or a particular idea, contact Laurie Leone at laurieleonyoga@gmail.com.

            Please hold the date for our Winter Gathering which will be held on January 6th, 2024 from 4pm to 7pm. The LaPense family has graciously offered to hold the event again at their home.  Last year’s party was well attended, and everyone enjoyed being able to catch up with neighbors.  Again, the Board will supply the main dishes and we ask members to bring a side dish or dessert.  RSVP’s will be required.  Keep your eye out for the invite to appear in your mailbox.

            A committee is forming to plan a few social events for 2024, the first of which will be a Progressive Dinner on April 20th (the same day as our Spring Cleanup).  If you’d like to be part of the planning please call Sherri Mitchell at 610-255-1414 – we’d be delighted to have your help!

           Please remember that community members are always welcome at the board meetings.  If you have an interest in being involved as a board member in any capacity we would love to have you!  Laurie Leone and Christine La Pense are heading up the Nominating Committee for 2024 and we are really hoping for new members to bring fresh ideas.  There are only four meetings a year including the Annual Meeting/Picnic and we promise there is nothing overwhelming!

Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday season and a healthy and happy new year,

Sherri Mitchell & Joanne Silverman

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