Meeting Minutes 2021-

Elk Forest Civic Association

Meeting Minute Index

February 24, 2021
June 23, 2021
August 15, 2021
October 27, 2021
March 23, 2022
August 13, 2022
October 27, 2022
March 23, 2023
July 13, 2023
August 12, 2023

November 16, 2023

March 26, 2024

June 4, 2024

August 10, 2024



  • Sherri Mitchell – Co-President (SM)
  • Joanne Silverman – Co–President (JS)
  • Laurie Leone – Vice-President (LL)
  • David Silverman – Recording Secretary (DS)
  • Christine LaPense – Immediate Past President (CL1)
  • Christian LaPense – Bd. Member (CL2)
  • R. David Mitchell – Web Master (DM)
  • Ralph DiMartino – Bd. Member (RD)
  • Tom Melnick – Bd. Member (TM)

ELK FOREST RESIDENTS PRESENT: There were 32 people signed in, with an additional 2 guests and four children, representing 18 households. According to EFCA membership records, 4 of the 18 households present, have not yet paid their 2024-2025 membership.

VERIFY QUORUM, CALL MEETING TO ORDER: At 2:30 PM the secretary confirmed that a quorum was present, and the meeting was called to order by JS.

MEETING MINUTES: The meeting minutes from the June 4, 2024, meeting (which were previously posted on the website and available for review) had no additional comments. Motion to approve as submitted made by CL1 and seconded by Cris Brookmyer. With no additional discussion held, the motion was approved.

FINANCIAL REPORT: As the EFCA Treasurer was not present due to sickness, the financial report was presented by DS. The report showed (as of 7/31/24) a Balance of $8,252.27 in the Checking account and $29,346.75 in CDs. Total funds balance of $37,599.02 (see attached financial report). A motion to accept the financial report as presented was made by CL1 with a second by Cris Brookmyer. With no additional discussion held, the motion was approved.


Spring Cleanup:  JS reported that the expected turnout (approx. 12 – 15) joined at the corner of EFR and SFR around 9:00am for coffee and donuts. Teams headed west towards Welches point and East towards Sinking Springs. JS thanked ML for collecting a truckload of bagged trash and DS for coordination the Donuts and coffee. A question as to what the “Sinking Springs” responsibility to clean the roads is and it was explained they do maintain the roadside from their entrance to the corner of McKeon Road. Thanks to all that turned out.

Progressive Dinner: CL2 reported a good participation, although not as many “non board members” as expected. The Italian theme was a hit, and the finish location (LaPense property) was a big hit with all. CL2 explained that participants do not need to host a stop, just come out to enjoy. The next dinner is planned for October 5th (see new business)

Elk Forest Sign, repair, paint, and solar light. JS thanked “The Mitchells” (SM, DM) for their repair, painting, and installation of the new solar light on our entrance sign.

Mosquito Spraying: SM reported the status to date of our agreement with the County to spray the neighborhood. To date, the neighborhood has only been sprayed 4 times (1 in June 2 in July and, so far, 1 in August) due to weather. Extensive discussion ensued on effectiveness, costs, other options, private contracts, continuing the contract with the county, ending the contract, etc. After much back and forth, SM summarized the discussion into a motion: that we (EFCA) run the current contract until its end (September 2024) and not renew it for 2025 (to see if there is a difference in not spraying); revisiting the issue at the 2025 Annual Meeting. The motion was seconded by CL1. Motion passed (12 to 4). (Note: POTENTIALLY, up to 4 of these votes may not be valid (non-members) but that is not enough to change the outcome. 


Progressive dinner – CL2 explained to all what the dinner is, how it works and how to participate (host, participant, both) CL2 will be coordinating the Progressive Dinner on October 5th, 2024. Details to be firmed up and published.

Annual Board Elections:  JS presented the slate of candidates being nominated by the Nominating Committee (CL1 and LL) Nominating Committee. Additionally, JS asked if there were any nominations from the floor at this time. With none being noted, a motion to accept the proposed slate of officers was made by Cris Brookmyer, seconded by TM. The secretary cast a single vote to approve the vote. The following candidates were voted into office effective at the close of this meeting.

Co – Presidents:  Sherri Mitchell & Laurie Leone
Vice President:  Bill Class
Treasurer:  Lule Megahed
Recording Secretary:  Christine LaPense
Immediate Past President:  Joanne Silverman
Webmaster:  Dave Mitchell
Board Members:  
  Christian LaPense
  Ralph DiMartino
  Tom Melnick
  Travis Hembree

JS Thanked David Silverman and Mike Leshner (who will be stepping down to allow others to participate) for their many, many years of service on the EFCA board.


Community Shredding: Dan Bowerman asked if anyone would like to have a community shredding event. There were a few indications of interest.

Contractor reference page: One of the residents asked if there was a “contractor” reference page on the website, she would like to look at some contractors that have been used by EFCA residents.

EFCA Facebook Page: Discussions on having an EFCA Facebook page and the requirements to have a manager of it. Nicky Morrison stepped up to take this on and be the FB Manager.

2024 – Upcoming Events:

  • Progressive Dinner – October 5, 2024
  • General Board Meeting @ 6:30PM – November 14, 2024


With nothing else to discuss, JS asked for a motion to adjourn. Motion to adjourn made by DS, seconded by CL1. Meeting adjourned at 3:10PM.

The next EFCA Board meeting will be on November 14, 2024 @ 6:30PM.



  • Sherri Mitchell – Co-President (SM)
  • Joanne Silverman – Co–President (JS) – VIA PHONE
  • Laurie Leone – Vice-President (LL)
  • Lule Megahed – Treasurer (LM)
  • David Silverman – Recording Secretary (DS) – VIA PHONE
  • Christine LaPense – Immediate Past President (CL1)
  • Christian LaPense – Bd. Member (CL2)
  • David Mitchell – Web Master (DM)
  • Ralph DiMartino – Bd. Member (RD)
  • Tom Melnick – Bd. Member (TM)
  • Mike Leshner- Bd. Member (ML)



VERIFY QUORUM, CALL MEETING TO ORDER: At 6:32 PM the secretary confirmed that a quorum was present, and the meeting was called to order by SM.

MEETING MINUTES: The meeting minutes from the March 26, 2023, meeting (which were previously sent to board members) had no additional comments. Motion to approve as submitted made by CL1 and seconded by TM. With no additional discussion held, the motion was approved.

FINANCIAL REPORT: The financial report was presented by LM and reviewed by members present. The report showed a Balance of $7,892.27 in the Checking account and $29,112.28 in CDs. Total funds balance of $37,004.55. It was noted that $3,600 (60/120 property owners) was received in 2024-2025 membership assessments, $99.44 was spent in Community Sign lighting and repair and $50.04 spent on the Spring Cleanup. A motion to accept the financial report as presented was made by CL1 with a second by RD. With no additional discussion held, the motion was approved.

DS asked if there had been any “inquiries” on the reduction of the membership assessment. LM indicated that she had heard nothing.


Spring Cleanup:  DS reported that the expected turnout (approx. 12 – 15) joined at the corner of EFR and SFR around 9:00am for coffee and donuts. Teams head west towards Welches point and East towards Sinking Springs. ML collected a truckload of bagged trash and at that point in time, the community roads were clean. Thanks to all that turned out.

Progressive Dinner: CL2 reported a good participation, although not as many “non board members” as expected. The Italian theme was a hit and the finish location (LaPense property) was a big hit with all. CL2 suggested another later this year, discussion was tabled till later in the meeting under new business.

Nominating Committee. CL1 and LL reported the following potential slate of officers to be nominated and at the annual meeting for election:

Co – Presidents:  Sherri Mitchell & Laurie Leone
Vice President:  Bill Class
Treasurer:  Lule Megahead
Recording Secretary:  Christine LaPense
Immediate Past President:  Joanne Silverman
Webmaster:  Dave Mitchell
Board Members:  
  Christian LaPense
  Ralph DiMartino
  Tom Melnick
  Travis Hembree

DS reminded the Board that this is a recommended slate of officers, there might be other nominations from the members present and that an election needs to be held. If there are no additional nominations from then a single “yes” vote for the proposed slate of officers is all that is needed.

Mosquito Spraying: SM reported she talked with a contact at the county on when the spraying will start and learned that the start of the program is mid-June, not mid-May as they had previously stated. SM spoke with the actual spray truck driver, and he pointed out that the county has not relayed the list of “opt outs” so all areas that fall within the spraying guidelines will be done.  Billing will be sent at the end of each month, due in 30 days. 

Solar Light and Elk Forest Sign Repair: DM / SM reported that the EFCA Community entrance sign now has a new solar powered light bar and that the “woodpecker” holes have been filled, repaired, and painted. The “gold” tone is not yet correct, SM reported that the correct color is currently out of stock but will be ordered as soon as it is available and will then finish the touch ups.


The 2024 Annual Meeting. The meeting this year will be hosted by the Hembre’s on August 10th with a rain date of August 11th. A continued discussion on whether there is enough parking (yes) and it was recognized that because of the central location, many will be able to walk rather than drive.

DS asked TM if he would be able to hang/take down the EFCA sign boards. DS will hang the “Save The Date” sign at the end of June, and then TM can change the signs to the Annual Meeting announcement on July 27 (~2 weeks prior). We will hang the signs on the pole at the corner of EFR and SFR only.

JS led the discussion on food/drink/ supplies. It was agreed that as we get closer to the meeting, JS will reach out to board members for commitments on what they should obtain (water, beer, wine, burgers etc.). It was agreed that we would provide little bottles of water 8oz.

JS will create and distribute a flyer to all the residents’ mailboxes in June to include the upcoming annual meeting/picnic (save the date) as well as the complete slate of officers to be nominated at the meeting and voted on.

Progressive dinner – CL1 relating how successful the 1st progressive dinner was, proposed for the go forward we try to do it 2X per year. After some discussion it was agreed to do a second one on October 5th, 2024.


Discussion was held on the amount of dumping of trash at Welches point. One of the board members mentioned she had spoken to a DNR Police officer about it, and it was suggested we bag it and they would pick it up. Someone suggested that we (the board) contact the High School about getting students to help keep the area clean as a school project. No further discussion was held.

2024 – Upcoming Events:

  • Annual Meeting/Picnic – August 10, 2024 (Rain date 8/11/24).
  • Progressive Dinner – October 5, 2024
  • General Board Meeting @ 6:30PM – November 14, 2024


With nothing else to discuss, SM asked for a motion to adjourn. Motion to adjourn made by CL1, seconded by LM.  Meeting adjourned at 7:13PM.

The next EFCA Board meeting will be on November 14, 2024 @ 6:30PM.



  • Sherri Mitchell – Co-President (SM)
  • Joanne Silverman – Co–President (JS)
  • Laurie Leone – Vice-President (LL)
  • Lule Megahead – Treasurer (LM)
  • David Silverman – Recording Secretary (DS)
  • Christine LaPense – Immediate Past President (CL1)
  • Christian LaPense – Bd. Member (CL2)
  • David Mitchell – Web Master (DM)
  • Ralph DiMartino – Bd. Member (RD)
  • Tom Melnick – Bd. Member (TM)
  • Mike Leshner- Bd. Member (ML)



VERIFY QUORUM, CALL MEETING TO ORDER: At 6:34PM the secretary confirmed that a quorum was present, and the meeting was called to order by JS.

MEETING MINUTES: The meeting minutes from the November 14, 2023, meeting (which were previously sent to board members) had no additional comments. Motion to approve as submitted made by CL1 and seconded by LM. With no additional discussion held, the motion was approved.

FINANCIAL REPORT: The financial report was presented by LM and reviewed by members present. The report showed a Balance of $3,876.69 in the Checking account and $28,289.95 in CDs. It was noted that EFCA received a refund from the 2023 season Mosquito Spraying for $766.20 and entertained expenses for the 2023 Holiday gathering of $201.04. Total funds balance of $33,337.80. A motion to accept the financial report as presented was made by SM with a second by CL1. With no additional discussion held, the motion was approved.


2023 Holiday Gathering. The Board agreed that the 2023 Holiday gathering was an enormous success, a good time was had by all. A round of applauds to the LaPense’s for the use of their property. In a moment of weakness, CL2 offered the property to be used again this year!

Nominating Committee. CL1 reported that Travis Hembre has agreed to sit on the board beginning August 2024. CL1 stated we are still looking for residents willing to serve on the board and that she and LL continue to approach neighbors for their interest in serving the community.

It was announced that DS will step down from the board at the end of this term. CL1 has agreed to take the Recording Secretary role on. Thank you CL1. DS indicated he will maintain his role as the “Sign Master”.

Progressive Dinner. CL2 reviewed the status of the upcoming Progressive dinner. It was confirmed that it would be on the evening of April 20, 2024 “after” the Spring Clean-up. CL2 will create and distribute flyers this weekend (3/29 – 3/31) to notify residents and solicit interest in participating and hosting one of the “stops”.  Multiple board members have indicated interest in being part of the dinner stops. The event will end (last stop) at the LaPense property around their fire pit.


Spring Clean Up. DS confirmed the date of April 20, 2024 @ 9:00AM. Meeting at the corner of EFR and SFR. Donuts, Coffee, trash bags will be provided. ML will provide (as always) the “trash truck.”  TM asked how far we would go for our clean up. It was agreed that we would end at Sinking Springs as they are responsible for the cleanup from their driveway to McKeown Rd. Signboards will go up on Saturday 4/6/24.

The 2024 Annual Meeting. The meeting this year will be hosted by the Hembre’s on August 10th with a rain date of August 11th. A brief discussion on whether there is enough parking (yes) and it was recognized that because of the central location, many will be able to walk rather than drive. Many thanks to the Hembree’s for offering the use of their yard!

Facebook vs. EFCA Website. DM reported that the EFCA site had ~20 hits around the holidays and since then ~ 4 per day. The question was raised if it would be a better fit for the community if we migrated our website to a Facebook page. Currently EFCA pays $250 per year for our website. A Fb page would be free. Currently any EFCA resident has access to the EFCA website and the secure portion via secret a decoder ring password.  To migrate to Fb, we would need to have an Fb administrator and develop an access process for residents. There was discussion about Fb messages being sent to residents and pushback from residents creating unneeded “spam”.  DS suggested we continue with the current website and use an e-mail push (as we did successfully for the Holiday Party) for limited notifications.

With multiple discussions and ideas ensuing, SM called for a vote on if we should move to Fb or remain as we are with our EFCA website. The vote was 1 for and 9 against.  We will remain with our current website.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Solar Light for the EFCA sign. DM informed the board that the previous Solar light for the EFCA sign was damaged last year and removed. He requested funds and authorization to purchase and install a new light. (The Board is authorized to spend $500 without community vote). DM said he could get a good light for ~$50. ML suggested he get a “really” good light for ~$100.  SM authorized the expenditure and the go ahead to replace the light. TM offered to help with the installation.

Mosquito Spraying 2024. SM reported on the Community Mosquito Spraying control project as follows:

  1. Kirkwood (previous provider) sold the business to Dependable Pest Management (DPM) who does not want to and will not continue the community spraying. DPM did offer to contract with individual property owners for Mosquito treatment (not spraying) at a discounted rate or $100 – $135 per treatment. This information will be included in a community mailing (see below).
  2. SM has contacted multiple Mosquito Control companies and found none interested or equipped to spray a community such as ours.
  3. One or our neighbors, Chris Brookmyer informed SM that there is a program sponsored and administered by the State of Maryland, Department of Agriculture (MDA) and Cecil County (CC) to conduct community spraying. It is a cost share program split between the community and MDA, CC.
  4. The cost is $35/15 minutes of spraying, MDA estimates that our community will take 90 minutes to spray for a seasonal cost of $4,200. The spray is conducted between 7PM and 7AM once per week, determined by the MDA supervisor.
  5. The MDA program does not spray near the water (C & D Canal / The Elk River) does not go down long driveways and requires anyone that does not want to be sprayed to sign and file a “do not spray form” with the County. This form will be included in the mailing mentioned above.

After much discussion on the MDA plan or nothing coordinated by EFCA, it was decided that having no community spraying was not a good option at this point, and that while not ideal, the MDA program was the best alternative. It was agreed by all present to move forward with MDA. Notification of this change will be included in the mailing as mentioned above.


With the reduction in the cost of Mosquito spraying (almost half the cost) the discussion about the annual membership assessment for 24/25 will need to be adjusted, or do they? It was agreed finally that the membership assessment would be reduced to $60 (from $85), and this would be explained in the mailing (see below) with the new membership bill.

Discussion was held about the lower fee not reflecting the actual reduced cost of the spraying and it was pointed out that the membership assessment covers membership in the EFCA, mosquito spraying, spring cleanup, the annual picnic and the holiday gathering.

A motion to reduce the membership assessment for the 24/25 period to $60 was made by DS, seconded by CL2. With no additional discussion, the motion was approved.

Informational mailing. The need to mail the below to the residents was discussed and agreed to as the only way to ensure every property owner receives the information. The mailing will include:

  1. Annual membership assessment notice.
  2. Letter on the new EFCA Mosquito Spraying program.
  3. Newsletter
  4. Do not want my driveway sprayed optout form.
  5. Private Mosquito Treatment program by DPM


With nothing else to discuss, SM asked for a motion to adjourn. Motion to adjourn made by TM, seconded by DM.

Meeting adjourned at 7:44PM.

The next EFCA Board meeting will be on June 4, 2024 @ 6:30PM.

2024 – Upcoming Events:

  • Spring Clean Up @ 9:00AM – April 20, 2024
  • Progressive Dinner @ 5:00PM – April 20, 2024
  • Board Meeting @ 6:30PM- June 4, 2024
  • Annual Meeting/Picnic – August 10, 2024
  • General Board Meeting @ 6:30PM – November 14, 2024




  • Sherri Mitchell – Co-President (SM)
  • Joanne Silverman – Co–President (JS)
  • Laurie Leone – Vice-President (LL)
  • Lule Megahead – Treasurer (LM)
  • David Silverman – Recording Secretary (DS)
  • Christine LaPense – Immediate Past President (CL1)
  • Christian LaPense – Bd. Member (CL2)
  • David Mitchell – Web Master (DM)
  • Ralph DiMartino – Bd. Member (RD)
  • Tom Melnick – Bd. Member (TM)
  • Mike Leshner- Bd. Member



VERIFY QUORUM, CALL MEETING TO ORDER: At 6:37PM the secretary confirmed that a quorum was present, and the meeting was called to order by JS.

MEETING MINUTES: The meeting minutes from the August 2023 annual meeting/picnic (which were previously sent to board members) had no additional comments. Motion to approve as submitted made by CL2 and seconded by CL1. Motion was approved.

FINANCIAL REPORT: The financial report was incomplete and not ready for review at this time and as such, no approval was asked for. However, the following expenses were provided Annual Picnic – $418.23, Annual Website renewals-$281.05 with a total funds balance 0f $32,255.93.

 A completed report was submitted and approved via e-mail.  It is attached below.

LM reported that EFCA has received a notice for the State of Maryland to file a 2021 and 2022 Annual Report for the EFCA, Inc. LM has completed the request.

Treasurer’s Report

Beginning balance 8/11/23

     Checking-Fulton Bank                                   3,392.74

     CDs-Fulton Bank                                          28,060.93

Total                                                                    31,453.67

Renewal of CDs

    14,000    9month at 4.7%

                     Matures 7/25/24                         14,163.26

    4,060     9 month at4.7%

                    Matures 5/11/24                           4,108.29

    10,000 6 month at 4.25%

                     Matures 1/25/24                         10,107.69

Interest earned  318.31

CD Total:                                                             28,379.24

9 Property dues received                                     765

Website renewal

    Go Daddy                                                           263.88

    Hover 17.17                                                      -281.05

Checking Total                                                       3,876.69

9/14 Total                                                               32,255.93


  1. Mosquito Spraying: CL1 reported that the EFCA will be receiving a refund for pre-paid sprays that were not made due to weather conditions. The refund will be $766.20.
  2. Annual Meeting/Picnic 2023:  Successful event with a decent turnout of 29 people representing 14 households.  Discussions on moving the date for the 2024 meeting to September but is as pointed out that the By-Laws require it to be in August. The 10th of August was selected.
  3. Traffic Speed on Elk Forest Road: The Board concluded that there was no difference in speeding on EFR since the Sheriff activity earlier this year. No additional Sheriff activity (presence, ticket issuing etc.) has been noted. The Sheriff stated their returning with radar might be in order.


  1. Nominating Committee: JS addressed the nominating committee (IPP and the VP) that it was time to start soliciting interest from the neighbors for participating on the EFCA Board. Discussion on process, potential neighbors that would be interested and which positions would be vacated next August. LL and CL1 will begin to solicit interest.
  2. Holiday Party: Once again it will be hosted by the LaPense’s (THANK YOU) on January 6, 2024, from 4 – 7pm. CL2 will create and distribute flyers announcing the event. Signboards will be hung two weeks prior. As in the past, the EFCA Board will provide main dishes and beverages will be purchased with community funds. The community will be asked to bring desserts and side dishes.
  1. 2024 Board meeting dates:
    1. March 26, 2024 – General Board Meeting @ 6:30PM
    2. April 20, 2024 – Spring Clean Up @ 9:00AM
    3. June 4, 2024 – General Board Meeting @ 6:30PM
    4. August 10, 2024 – Annual Meeting/Picnic (location time TBD)
    5. November 14, 2024 – General Board Meeting @ 6:30PM


  1. Discussion on a “Progressive Dinner” to follow the evening after the Spring Clean Up in April 2024. There was support and interest in trying to get this often-discussed activity up and running.
  2. Discussion on setting up a “Game Night.”
  3. It was suggested that a “Social Committee” might be appropriate to coordinate potential neighborhood events as mentioned. CL2 and SM volunteered to be the “social Committee”. (THANK YOU).
  4. LL discussed holding a community “Cereal Drive”. She said she has done this in the past and it is a great way to contribute to the shelters and food banks we have in Elkton. LL will follow up with identification of the actual need. LL will host the collection box.
  5. JS will create a “newsletter” for the Website recapping the discussions at the board meeting, announcing the nominating committee reaching out to neighbors as well as the new social committee. The sign boards will be hung asking residents to “check the web site”.  


With nothing else to discuss, SM asked for a motion to adjourn. Motion to adjourn made by CL1, seconded by DS.

Meeting adjourned at 7:32PM.

The next EFCA Board meeting will be on March 26, 2024 @ 6:30PM.


BOARD MEMBERS:                                                                                   PRESENT:

Sherri Mitchell – Co-President (SM)                                                                ✓

Joanne Silverman – Co–President (JS)                                                         X

Laurie Leone – Vice President (LL)                                                                 ✓

Lule Megahead – Treasurer (LM)                                                                     ✓

David Silverman – Recording Secretary (DS)                                                X

Christine LaPense – Immediate Past President (CL1)                                 ✓

Dave Mitchell – Web Master (DM) ✓

Ralph DiMartino – Bd. Member (RD)                                                               ✓

Tom Melnick – Bd. Member (TM)                                                                      ✓

Mike Leshner – Bd. Member (ML)                                                                    ✓

Christian LaPense (CL2)                                                                                   ✓


TIME: 2:30 pm






SECOND BY: Mike Leshner

APPROVAL (Yes or No): Yes


FINANCIAL SUMMARY: Financial Report attached. To date, 64 properties have paid their annual dues, while 27 properties have not. SM said that is pretty normal for this time of year.

Treasurer’s Report



SECOND BY: Len Edwards

APPROVAL (Yes or No): Yes


  1. Speed sign on Elk Forest Road: SM reported data collected from the speed display/monitor on Elk Forest Road which did reduce speeding. Sherrif’s office will be sending a car to monitor speeding on Elk Forest Rd. without warning and will not be giving warnings for speeding violations.
  2. Web Report: DM reported that our site continues to get many hacking attempts and a few visitors every week.  DM also reported that he is looking for a volunteer to take over the position of webmaster.
  1. Holiday Party 2023: EFCA “After Holiday Party” once again being hosted by LaPenses, at their property. The date for this event will be Saturday, January 6th.
  1. Mosquito Spraying: SM reported that Kirkwood Pest Control had a previous increase in costs of 9%, which matched inflation.  To offset the cost hike, spray frequency was reduced to once per week from July to October while remaining twice per week in the spring. Seems as if they are spraying down most driveways.  CL1 said they will not go up and down driveways if there is not room to turnaround.  If the number of cars prevents them from turning around in the driveway one week, they may not try again.


PROPOSED BYLAWS ADDENDUM (Membership approval required):

ADDENDUM SUMMARY: Addendum specifies Vice President and Immediate Past President responsibilities to identify a slate of willing new officer/board member candidates prior to the summer meeting to elect new officers/board members, specifically, “The sitting V.P. (Vice President) and the IMPP (Immediate Past President) will co chair a nominating committee to fill any and all vacant board positions as needed. In order to ensure ample time for this to occur the committee should canvas the community to determine residents with interest in serving on the board. The committee should begin their work during January of the calendar year in which there will be an upcoming vacancy. The President of the Board will determine which, if any, positions will need to be filled”.


MOTION BY: Sherri Mitchell

SECOND BY: Laurie Leone

APPROVAL (Yes or No): Yes


  1. EFCA residents are encouraged to call Delmarva when power goes out. The more residents that call the quicker the response.
  2. SM and CL1 are interested in arranging progressive dinners. Wine tastings with caterings were mentioned, including blocking of off streets for the event. It was also mentioned that EFCA residents already have a book club, a pickle ball group and a walking group. The walking group starts at the cul-de-sac at the end of Elk Forest Road at 8:05 am and meets up at the top of the hill on Elk Forest Rd. at 8:25 am.


Meeting adjourned at 3:01PM.

Elk Forest Civic Association Quarterly Meeting – July 3, 2023


  • Sherri Mitchell – Co-President (SM)
  • Joanne Silverman – Co–President (JS)
  • David Silverman – Recording Secretary (DS)
  • Christine LaPense – Immediate Past President (CL1) (VIa phone)
  • David Mitchell – Web Master (DM)
  • Ralph DiMartino – Bd. Member (RD)
  • Tom Melnick – Bd. Member (TM)
  • Judy Leshner, Proxy for Mike Leshner- Bd. Member


  • Samantha Hembree


  • Sheriff Sgt Keller, Sheriff Cpl. Thomas.


At 6:35PM the secretary confirmed that a quorum was present and the meeting was called to order by SM.

In order to maximize the time of the Sheriffs, we asked for their report before conducting EFCA business. Sgt Keller reported that the speed sign was on site just past S. Forest Rd. on the west side of Elk Forest Road and recorded just under 6000 vehicles over the course of 25 days with an average of 230 per day. The average speed recorded was 30 mph with a range from 15 mph to 62 mph. I was determined that on a daily basis ~ 4 vehicles were considered medium to high risk (speeding) and that the sign acted more of a deterrent to speeding (good thing) possibly because of its highly visible location from a long distance. The sheriff agreed and also agreed to ask patrol to periodically station a patrol car at N. Lockward to write tickets. The report of the speed sign is attached. The Sheriffs handed out some contact cards. SM thanked them for the information and their support to our community.

Attached are the reports presented:

Elk Forest Road Report  

Elk Forest Road Risk


SM asked to review the minutes from the previous meeting of 03/23/2023. With no corrections or edits noted, a vote to approve the minutes was asked for. A motion to approve was made by TM, seconded by DM. Motion to approve the minutes of 03/23/2023 was passed unanimously.


SM asked for the financial report to be made. As the Treasurer was not present, a financial report spreadsheet was provided and the secretary read the balances. The checking account balance (cash as of 7/10/23) is $7506.28. The 18-month CD balance of $18,621.13 and the 12-month CD balance of $4,057.94 with a total balance of $30,185.35.

To date, 41 residents have paid their annual dues. A question was raised as to how this compared to last year at the same time.

Discussion ensued around rolling the CDs into higher interest rate instruments and laddering them. LM already indicated she will be doing this.

SM asked for a motion to accept the financial report as presented.or. The motion to approve the financial report was made by CL1 and seconded by ML (Judy). The motion to approve the financial report of 7/13/2023 was approved unanimously.


  1. Mosquito Spraying: CL reported that the residents of 1600/1612 complained that they were not getting sprayed. CL investigated with Kirkwood and learned that these properties have very long winding driveways with nowhere for the truck to turn around, thus making the spraying impossible to achieve. When discussed with the resident, it was stated that the truck could in fact turn around. Kirkwood will reevaluate the location.
  2. Spring Clean Up 2023:  Successful. Great turn out, lots of trash picked up from Welches Point to McKeon Rd. Donuts and coffee were available and enjoyed by all present,
  3. Consolidated trash collection services: RD reported that there is no savings available by doing this. He suggested that we get a kid in the neighborhood to take all the trash to the dump.
  4. Web Report: DM reported that our site is hosted by a paid service and there are 10 – 100 hacking attempts per day. We do have on average 2 actual web visitors each day. It was suggested that a web page picture be posted. DM will look into using a drone for a new picture.


  1. Nominating Committee: The following will be presented to the membership at the Annual meeting in August to be added to the by laws as an addendum.       “The sitting V.P. (Vice President) and the IMPP (Immediate Past President) will co chair a nominating committee to fill any and all vacant board positions as needed. In order to ensure ample time for this to occur the committee should canvas the community to determine residents with interest in serving on the board. The committee should begin their work during January of the calendar year in which there will be an upcoming vacancy. The President of the Board will determine which, if any, positions will need to be filled”.
  2. Annual Meeting/Picnic: The event is set for August 12 2023 between 1 – 4 PM (rain date 8/13/23). EFCA message boards will be posted on July 29, 2023 (two weeks prior). The event will once again be held at the LaPense back yard at 184 S. Shore Rd. CL1 will send out an email with a listing of items in inventory and what else is needed for the party. CL1/ CL2 will create and distribute flyers the week of July 24, 2023. The information will be available on the web with an RSVP number. EFCA will provide burgers/franks/brats/ beer/wine/water. Attendees will be asked to bring a side dish/dessert.
  3. Discussion about the EFCA “After Holiday Party” once again being hosted by LaPense, at their rental property. The date for this event will be Saturday, January 6th, as the 13th (that was) discussed, is Martin Luther King’s holiday weekend. 


  1. Speeding on Elk Forest Road: following up on the presentation from the Sheriff, it is noted that while the speed signs did reduce the speed (while they were in place) it will have to be monitored as we move forward. We will watch for the Sheriff to be posted and write tickets.
  2. Following the overnight power outage earlier this month, it was mentioned by DS that we MUST call Delmarva when power goes out. The more residents that call the quicker the response. This should be on the web site as well.
  3. RD proposed that EFCA set up a “daisy chain” call system to be implemented when issues such as power outages, major storms, hurricanes etc. occur to check on our neighbor’s welfare. It was suggested that we post this on the website to garner interest.


With nothing else to discuss, SM asked for a motion to adjourn. Motion to adjourn made by DS, seconded by TM.

Meeting adjourned at 7:36PM.

The next EFCA Board meeting will be on August 12, 2023 @ 1:00PM immediately prior to the picnic.

Elk Forest Civic Association Quarterly Meeting – March 23, 2023

Sherri Mitchell – Co-President (SM)
Joanne Silverman – Co–President (JS)
Lule Megahed – Treasurer (LM)
David Silverman – Recording Secretary (DS)
Christine LaPense – Immediate Past President (CP1)
R. David Mitchell – Web Master (DM)
Christian LaPense – Bd. Member (CP2)
Ralph DiMartino – Bd. Member (RD)
Tom Melnick – Bd. Member (TM)

Travis Hembree
At 6:33PM the secretary confirmed that a quorum was present and the meeting was called to order by JS.
JS asked to review the minutes from the previous meeting of 10/27/22. With no corrections or edits noted, JS asked for a motion to approve the minutes. A motion to approve was made by SM, seconded by LM. Motion to approve the minutes of 10/27/23 was passed unanimously.
JS asked for the financial report to be made. LM presented the checking account balance (as of 3/23/23) of $4,057.51, the 18-month CD balance of $18,611.95 and the 12-month CD balance of $4,055.91 with a total balance of $26,725.37.
LM presented that the New Year Party on January cost $311.59
JS asked for comments and discussion. With none made, JS asked for a motion to approve the financial report. The motion to approve the financial report was made by RD and seconded by CL2. The motion to approve the financial report of 3/23/23 was approved unanimously.
1. Board appointees:
JS/SM presented that as a result of the previous treasurer (Patti Truitt) resigning (moved out of community) Lule Megahead was appointed interim treasure to serve out the balance of the vacated term of office running through 2024.
As a result of Lule vacating her position as recording secretary, David Silverman was appointed interim recording secretary to serve out the balance of the vacated term of office running through 2024.
2. Mosquito Spraying:
The contract with Kirkwood Pest Control was renewed for the 2023 season. The agreement remained the same as last year with an upfront payment for the entire contract of $9,450 (increase of 8% over 2022) with a refund to be issued at the end of the season for unused spraying dates. One of the EFCA CDs that came due was used to pay for this contract in addition to the cash (checking account) from member dues.
There was discussion about passing the 8% increase on to the ECFA membership, however, it was agreed that the increase would be absorbed by the association funds and it would be mentioned in the upcoming Newsletter. Further discussion will be had at the Annual Meeting in August.
3. Spring Clean Up 2023:
The planned date will be April 22, with a rain date of April 23. Hold the date signs will go up at the beginning of April. CL1 will check supplies left from last year. DS will handle the coffee and donuts. Mike Leshner will provide “dump services” for the collected trash. It is acknowledged that there is a fee charged at the dump for the collected trash,
4. 2023 Holiday Party:
DSZ reported that 28 people attended representing 17 residences. It was agreed that a good time was had by all. Many thanks to the CL1 & CL2 for providing the venue to the community this year and next.
5. The Elk Forest Sign:
The Board officially recognized and thanked Tom Melnick for painting the Elk Forest Sign posts at the entrance to our community. Looks so much better!

1. Nominating Committee:
SM presented that the nominating committee should be made up of the immediate past president and the current vice president. DS suggested that the committee review any upcoming board vacancies in the spring and then canvas the EFCA residents to find candidates that would be interested in filling these roles, hopefully enough to actually have a vote at the annual meeting. In reviewing the potential vacancies for the 23 – 24 term, it was discovered that only one board position will be eligible and the current member will remain on the board for another term. There are no vacancies at this time.
2. Dues notices:
LM indicated they will be created and mailed out shortly.
3. New Residents:
There are three new residents, The Hembree’s (1420 EFR), The Safrits (1662 EFR) and the Morrisons (1455 EFR). The Hembree’s and Safrits attended the New Year gathering. The Morrisons will need a welcome package delivered, RD volunteered to do the welcome packets.
4. The undeveloped lot across from 1525 EFR with access to the Coast Guard Light Tower:
There are many rumors swirling about concerning the use of this land for a commercial business or storage lot for snow plowing equipment. SM has been in contact with the multiple Town departments and has put them on alert of this. Our neighborhood is zoned residential and cannot be used as is rumored.
5. Consolidated Trash and Recycling pickup:
Mike Leshner (absent from meeting) suggested a consolidated contract with a single Trash company for the neighborhood. This would cut down on trucks, noise, and (in theory) costs. DS mentioned that he had been in contact with a number of companies in the recent past and learned from one that we would need 30 – 40 homes to commit. Lots of conversation about the pros and cons to this. RD suggested that we should take our trash to the dump individually, he also suggested one of the neighbors (“Dave”) possibly would take trash to the dump for us. RD will take the lead on this project.
1. Speeding on Elk Forest Road:
Travis Hembree raised the concern about speeding on EFR, specifically in front of their home at the intersection of EFR and N. Lockwood. He mentioned that they are installing a fence around the front of their property to keep their child and dog safe. It was suggested that a call to the Sheriff to ask for an electric speed control sign could help. DS mentioned that it was done a few years back in front of their home on S. Forest with great success. SM stated that she (as Co President) would take on this task of contacting the Sheriff on behalf of the EFCA as well as adding a statement in the upcoming EFCA Newsletter.
2. What’s going on with that Orange Cable being installed:
SM reported that under state grant money, fiber optic cable was being installed to serve address throughout Cecil County that do not have access to high speed broad internet. The company doing the work is “Talkie Communications” out of Chestertown, Md. Their contract for the installation ends before the Deer Haven community. In speaking with the owners of Talkie, it was learned that if there are pockets of interest, with enough potential customers, they could extend the Fiber Optic cable. A detailed description and instructions for contacting Talkie will be in the newsletter.
With nothing else to discuss, JS asked for a motion to adjourn. Motion to adjourn made by TM.
Meeting adjourned at 7:32PM.

The next EFCA Board meeting will be on July 13, 2023 @ 6:30PM
The Annual meeting/picnic will be held August 12, 2023 (rain date August 13, 2023).

EFCA Board meeting 10/27/22

In attendance:

  • co-Presidents-Joanne Silverman and Sherri Mitchell\
  • Vice President-Lori Leone
  • Treasurer-Patty Truitt
  • Secretary-Lule Megahed
  • Webmaster-Dave Mitchell
  • Past President – Christine LaPense
  • Board members- Christian LaPense, Tom Melnick, Ralph DiMartino, Judy Leshner standing in for Mike Leshner.
  • Community member in attendance – David Silverman

The Quorum was verified by the Presidents and so Sherri rang the crab bell.  Joanne called the meeting to order at 6:38pm.  All the new board members were welcomed.  Voting to accept the Minutes from the last meeting were motioned by David and seconded by Christian.

Patty read the Financial Report noting the refund from Kirkwood Pest for mosquito spraying. She also mentioned their records matched hers for missed spraying. Christine added that she was informed about the skipped spraying due to winds. Patty mentioned the new homes should be approached with Welcome packages. Dave volunteered. A motion to accept the report was seconded. The Financial Report will be attached.

Old business was tackled with mosquito spraying first. Christine mentioned the few complaints about property spraying not being thorough. She suggested that Kirkwood have a price list posted on the EFCA website. It was requested that Christine continue being the intermediary for Kirkwood and mosquito spraying, she accepted.  Copy of the treasurer report:  Link

Next, the new message boards by David Silverman were praised. Having the website address posted as well as events were welcomed by all. Encouraging residents to participate and vote were also introduced. The Halloween Parade will also be posted as well as the Holiday Party. Christine was asked if she needed volunteers to help with Holiday party which lead into a discussion that it would be a potluck dinner on 1/7/23, 5-9pm with alcohol expenses covered out of Association funds. Christine will email as to whether costumes will be welcomed.

Next, meeting dates and establishing a nominating committee were discussed as well as new business. During the Webmaster minute, Dave mentioned that community news has been changed to Happenings. The new host has made the website 100x faster! Makes it easier to navigate. Needs to be posted on the message boards to encourage more traffic on the website. He wants residents to take advantage and post more things. Sherri mentioned the Elkforest Community sign’s posts needed refreshing. Tom Melnick offered to paint them. Patty sold her house and will be moving soon so needed to find a replacement for her treasurer’s position. Lule volunteered to take over temporarily until a new person could take over. According to by-laws, a person wasn’t allowed to do multiple positions. David offered to take over Secretary while Lule takes over the treasurer’s role. The presidents will double check the arrangements and get a motion passed by November. Sherri presented the idea of amending the by-laws to add that the VP and past President would become the heads of the nominating committee. By clarifying the positions, it wouldn’t be overlooked in the future. The redundancy was initially questioned, but upon clarification it was agreed. By-laws and dates were further discussed with the following dates approved:

  • Holiday Party-1/7/23 5-9pm hosted by the LaPenses
  • Board meeting-3/23/23 6:30pm hosted by Joanne
  • Spring Cleanup-4/22/23 9am with 4/23 rain date
  • Board meeting-7/13/23 6:30pm hosted by Sherri
  • Annual Meeting/Picnic-8/12/23 1-4pm with 8/13 rain date. Hosted by the LaPenses

There was an open discussion about having the President write a newsletter which could be posted on the website. Posting the message of standing water removal helping with mosquito control. Kirkwood Pest Control could post their residential packages.
Sherri motioned to adjourn and Dave seconded. Ended at 7:30pm.

Annual Meeting and Picnic – 8/13/2022
Members present:

  • Christine LaPense-President
  • Joanne Silverman-Vice President
  • Patty Truitt-Treasurer
  • Lule Megahed-Secretary
  • Dave Mitchell-Webmaster
  • Board members-Christian LaPense, Mike Leshner, June Estock, David Silverman and Ralph DeMartino

Approximately 40 residents attended.
The meeting was called to order by President Christine LaPense at 2:45pm.

The Holiday party will be on Saturday, January 7th at 188 South Shore. Details to be announced later. President LaPense then gave the floor to The Silvermans.

The Board had an impromptu meeting before the Picnic because a nominating committee had not been chosen to find candidates for this years election. Joanne Silverman, June Estock, Christian LaPense and Sherri Mitchell will search for candidates to fill the President, Vice President and Webmaster roles. The vote will be postponed until September 15, 2022. A paper ballot will be mailed to each household of the association and members can drop them off at the Truitt mailbox (1420 Elkforest Rd. ).
The Treasurer’s report was presented by the Treasurer, Patty Truitt. It is attached below.

Treasurer’s Report 

Begin year checking account balance$ 7,562
Since August 1, 2021 the activity was as follows:
Prior year dues collected $1,445
Current year dues$5,525
Transfer from CD$1,500
Cash Inflow $ 8,470

106 properties were billed in June, through 7/31, 59% of residents have paid.
As of 8/12, 65% have paid

Expenditures during the year:
Last year annual meeting $ 517
Spring clean up $ 54
Web Site $ 15
Office supplies $ 166
Mosquito Spraying
o 2022 contract$8,750
o 2021 Credit$ – 316
Cash outflow$ 9,186

End year checking account balance $ 6,846

Fulton Bank – 18 mos 7/21/23 0.45%$18,595.51
Fulton Bank – 12 mos 8/6/2022 0.15%$ 4,051.86
Fulton Bank – 12 mos 3/172023 0.15%$ 4,511.31
End year CD’s balance$ 27,159
Total Funds – Checking & CD’s$ 34,005
Despite the increased cost of spraying, we did not raise the dues but supplemented the payment to Kirkwood with a transfer of $1,500 from the CD’s.

Mosquito spraying increased this year 9% over last year with spraying to continue into October if needed. The start up of spraying was slow due to all the rain we had in April and June, so once confirmed, we should receive a credit some time in the late fall of this year.

The President reiterated to please call Delmarva if the power goes out so they will have a better idea of the outage size. That includes internet service.

The President asked for any questions. Fred was questioning the size of the mosquito sprayer pump. He felt it wasn’t being optimized. The President will follow up with the Mosquito Spraying service.
The meeting ended at 3:10pm.

Elk Forest Civic Association Quarterly Meeting – March 23, 2022

Christine LaPense- President
Patty Truitt- Treasurer
Lule Megahed-Secretary
Dave Mitchell-Webmaster
Board members-June Estock, David Silverman, Christian LaPense and Ralph DeMartino

At 6:30pm a quorum of the board was present and the meeting was called to order by Christine. The agenda discussed is as follows:

  • Spring cleanup is scheduled for April 23 at 9am. The Silvermans will not attend. June offered to make the coffee and buy donuts. Patty will bring table. Mike Leshner traditionally takes trash bags to dump. It was decided that trash pick up would end at the Sinking Springs driveway.
  • Treasure’s report is attached. The account balance is $1541.02.
  • The mosquito spraying contract this year will continue with Kirkwood. Raising the dues were discussed but decided against. The EFCA CD account can be used to offset any additional costs, if needed.
  • There was a discussion regarding the EFCA involvement in Halloween activities and it was affirmed that the EFCA does not have any nor will any be sponsored.
  • There was an extensive discussion about aggressive animals in the neighborhood. If anyone is approached/attacked by any animal, the Cecil County Animal Control should be contacted.
  • There was open discussion on new residents, new home construction, use of the DNR hunting lands, gunshots/target shooting and a “progressive” dinner.  No actions came out of this discussion.
  • The Summer Picnic/Annual Meeting will occur at the LaPense residence on August 13 from 1-4pm.
  • Elections for officers will be announced in the newsletter. Dave Mitchell will make an email distribution list.

The President asked if there was any additional topics for discussion, with none suggested, at 7:35 a motion to adjourned was made.

EFCA Treasurer’s Report – March 23, 2022
Cash activity since Annual Meeting – 8/21

Balance at 7/31/21 7,562.11
2021 Dues Received 1,445.00
Refund for 2021 missed sprays 315.8
Transfer from CD 1,500.00
Website -15.17
Annual Meeting -516.72
2022 Mosquito Spray -8,750.00

Balance at 3/23/22 1,541.02


Fulton Bank 18,584.05 18 mos1/21/2022 0.45%
Fulton Bank 4,049.36 12 mos 8/6/2021 0.15%
Fulton Bank 4,508.32 12 mos 3/23/2023 0.15%

CD interest earned since 7/31/21 on the above was $53.35

Since 7/31, 17 people lhave paid.
To date 90 residents out of 112 have paid, which is 80%
2 new homes under construction & new owners at 1503 Elk Forest have committed to pay

2020-2021 Final Results
Dues collected in 2021 $7395
2021 Mosquito spraying -$6316
Other expenses -$656
Total $423

Elk Forest Civic Association 

Quarterly  Meeting-Oct. 27, 2021


  • Christine and Christian LaPense
  • Joanne and David Silverman
  • Patti Truitt
  • Lule Megahed
  • Dave Mitchell
  • June Estock
  • Mike  Leshner
  • Ralph DeMartino

President Christine LaPense began the video meeting at 6:30pm. The agenda was discussed as follows:

  • Mosquito spraying review-2 treatments were missed so $300 will be refunded. Concerns were voiced about missed driveways. Christine will discuss with contractor.
  • Winter Cleanup-weekend after Thanksgiving 12/4. Coffee and donuts will be provided as well as garbage bags. Treasurer Patti Truitt will reach out to Sinking Springs to get details of highway adoption details. Board member Ralph DeMartino voiced his concerns about the safety of the volunteers. Secretary Lule Megahed will investigate safety sign for cleanup.
  • Holiday Party-1/8, 5-8pm at LaPense rental. It will be run like the Annual Picnic- main dish and alcoholic beverages will be provided by EFCA. Families can bring a side dish.

Flyers will be distributed in mailboxes. Christian LaPense will add in next newsletter. 

  • Events for 2022- A Progressive Dinner on the same date as the Spring Cleanup April 23, 2022
    • Game/card night for Feb/March.
    • Annual Picnic- August
  • Open Forum- Christian LaPense brought up the topic of California’s new zoning laws and what it could mean to the future of our community. He suggests we investigate and research on how to prevent duplication of California’s legislation occurring in our community.

The video call ended at 7:06pm.

EFCA Treasurer’s Report October 27, 2021

Cash activity since our last meeting



Balance 7/31/21



Dues Received



Annual Meeting



Web Site fee



Balance 10/27/21





Fulton Bank



18 mo.


Fulton Bank



12 mo.


Fulton Bank



12 mo.


Balance 10/27/21



Total as of 10/27/21



CD’s Interest earned since 7/31 on the 3 above was $17.47


Since 7/31, 13 people have paid.  I sent out past due notices on October 8.   We have received 13 payments since that date.  To date, 84 residents out of 112 have paid, which is 75%.

Patricia Truitt, Treasurer

Elk Forest Civic Association

Annual Meeting and Community Picnic August 15, 2021

Committee members in attendance:

  • Christine LaPense-President
  • Christian LaPense-Board Member
  • June Estock-Board Member
  • Mike Leshner-Board Member
  • Cris Brookmyer-Treasurer (absent and excused)
  • Lule Megahed-Secretary
  • Kathy Alzos-Board Member
  • David Silverman-Board Member
  • Joanne Silverman-Vice President
  • Dave Mitchell – Web Master


The Annual Meeting was called to order by President Christine LaPense at 2:30p.m. Minutes of the meeting are detailed below:

  • Christine welcomed everyone and had new neighbors introduce themselves.
  • The Treasurer’s Report was read to the attendees.
  • Elections were held:
    • Treasurer-Patty Truitt
    • Webmaster-Dave Mitchell
    • Board member-Ralph DeMartino
  • Information about the Little Lending Library was given.
  • The concept of Progressive Dinners was introduced as well as game nights.
  • Halloween Parade and Party was discussed.
  • Newsletter is welcomed addition.
  • After Holiday Party to be held at LaPense home 1/8/22.
  • June Estock introduced the By Laws update to include webmaster position. Vote occurred with amendment passed.  Updated on website.
  • The history of funds in EFCA treasury was given.
  • Total attendance was 34

Motion to Adjourn Meeting – A motion was made by Dave to adjourn the meeting; June seconded the motion. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 2:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Lule Megahed, EFCA Secretary

Elk Forest Civic Association Quarterly meeting –  June 23, 2021

The Elk Forest Civic Association Quarterly meeting was called to order at 6:42 PM on Jun 23, 2021.


  • Christine LaPense, President
  • Joanne Silverman, Vice President
  • Cris Brookmyer, Treasurer
  •  Lule Megahed, Secretary
  • June Estock, Past President
  • David Silverman, Board Member
  • Christian LaPense, Board Member
  • Mike Leshner, Board Member


  • Kathy Alzos, Board Member
  • Dave Mitchell, Web Master

The topics of discussion were as follows:

1. The Annual Meeting and Picnic on August 15, 2021 will be held from 1pm to 4pm at 184 South Shore Drive, with the possibility of having the Kilby Cream Moo Mobile or another ice cream vendor invited to attend around 3pm. Christine offered to investigate. There was a discussion about entertainment. Mike offered to make contact with a musician. Christian offered to contact DJ. Members will be providing tents and tables to the picnic. Christine will provide burgers and hot dogs. June will be providing sodas. Joanne will provide fixings for burgers. Lule will provide coolers and ice. The flyer/newsletter will request attendees to bring chairs, a side dish or dessert. Elections will occur this year for the VP and Treasurer positions. Joanne offered to stay on as VP if there was no one else. Cris believes she has someone available to replace her as Treasurer.

2.  Christine and Christian will resurrect the newsletter. It will include the picnic reminder. Members offered to help distribute to mailboxes.

3. By-Laws: June showed us the new by-law amendment that includes the Webmaster position. Voting on the amendment will occur at the Annual Meeting and picnic in August.

4.  Financial Report by Cris. The accounts are now all consolidated to one bank.

5. Discussion about mosquito spraying. Everyone seemed happy with results from new contractor. Christine will travel with driver to ensure all driveways will be visited.

6.  Christine and others volunteered to distribute Welcome Packets to new neighbors

7.  The LaPenses described a traveling dinner party idea called Progressive dinners. The board was open to having it introduced at the Picnic.

8.  The Holiday party was discussed. It was suggested we have had it on New Year’s Day in the past. The LaPenses were kind enough to offer their rental for the event, however would prefer to have it the weekend after New Year’s Day. Thank you!

The meeting was motioned for closure by Cris Brookmyer and seconded by board members. Meeting adjourned at 7:33PM

Elk Forest Civic Association Meeting – February 24, 2021

A meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM on February 24, 2021.  


  • Christine LaPense, President
  • Joanne Silverman, Vice President
  • Cris Brookmyer, Treasurer
  • June Estock, Past President
  • David Silverman, Board Member
  • Christian LaPense, Board Member
  • Dave Leshner, Board Member
  • Dave Mitchell, Web Master


  • Kathy Alzos, Board Member
  • Lule Megahed, Secretary

The topics of discussion were as follows:

  1. Mosquito Control Spraying.  A quote was received and whose costs were favorable, from Kirkwood Pest Control, a local vendor.  A contract is in under review with sprayings to commence as follows:  April-June, 2021, twice a week and July-October, once a week. The proposed cost of this contract is $6,000 for the season with either credits or refunds being issued for missed sprayings.  The contract will be reviewed to clarify. Cris Brookmyer (Treasurer) indicated we will need to liquidate one of the EFCA accounts to fund this cost up front.
  2. Neighborhood Clean Up Day is scheduled for Saturday, April 10th, with a rain date of Sunday, April 11th.  Clean up supplies will be provided by EFCA (bags, coffee, donuts).
  3. By-Laws (June): 
    The Board proposed the civic association by-laws be amended to include the Webmaster as a member of the Board of Directors as follows: Article I-Board of Directors, Section 1. (A) The Board of Directors shall be composed of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer (Officers), the immediate Past-President, four elected Directors and the Webmaster.  Voting on the proposed amendment by Association Members will take place at the Annual Meeting in August 2021 and the EFCA Community Bylaws would be amended accordingly.
  4. It has been proposed that due to the change in necessary technology, a Web Master will always be needed and attend the Board Meetings, and therefore is recommended to be a voting Board Member.  This will be presented at the annual Member Meeting this summer.  The Community Bylaws would be changed accordingly.
  5. Discussion ensued around clarification on what exactly the “dues” constitute and how to define it in the Bylaws.  It was agreed that the traditional membership fee and the “Mosquito abatement” cost separation need to be melded into and under a single “dues” fee and that the “dues” provide the following:  1) Membership and voting rights regarding EFCA activity, 2) Costs associated with the yearly Spring Clean Up, 3) Seasonal Mosquito Spraying (contracted service), 4) Website maintenance, 5) Annual meeting/picnic, 6) Support of a Holiday gathering (as needed), EFCA signage (as needed), and general community needs as deemed appropriate.  The actual cost of the annual “dues” will be determined by the Board of Directors on an annual basis and presented to the membership at the annual meeting/picnic for voting approval.  At this time, the Board agreed to no changes to the Bylaws regarding the section on dues.
  6. Little Free Library: The Little Free Library is open for business.  Book donations for all ages are needed. Feel free to leave a book in the library or contact June Estock with larger book donations, or if you have any questions.

The meeting was motioned for closure by David Silverman and seconded by board members.  Meeting adjourned at 6:45PM

Recorded by Christine LaPense, President

Back to Index

Elk Forest Civic Association

Meeting Minute Index

February 24, 2021
June 23, 2021
August 15, 2021
October 27, 2021
March 23, 2022
August 13, 2022

Annual Meeting and Picnic – 8/13/2022
Members present:

  • Christine LaPense-President
  • Joanne Silverman-Vice President
  • Patty Truitt-Treasurer
  • Lule Megahed-Secretary
  • Dave Mitchell-Webmaster
  • Board members-Christian LaPense, Mike Leshner, June Estock, David Silverman and Ralph DeMartino

Approximately 40 residents attended.
The meeting was called to order by President Christine LaPense at 2:45pm.

The Holiday party will be on Saturday, January 7th at 188 South Shore. Details to be announced later. President LaPense then gave the floor to The Silvermans.

The Board had an impromptu meeting before the Picnic because a nominating committee had not been chosen to find candidates for this years election. Joanne Silverman, June Estock, Christian LaPense and Sherri Mitchell will search for candidates to fill the President, Vice President and Webmaster roles. The vote will be postponed until September 15, 2022. A paper ballot will be mailed to each household of the association and members can drop them off at the Truitt mailbox (1420 Elkforest Rd. ).
The Treasurer’s report was presented by the Treasurer, Patty Truitt. It is attached below.

Treasurer’s Report 

Begin year checking account balance$ 7,562
Since August 1, 2021 the activity was as follows:
Prior year dues collected $1,445
Current year dues$5,525
Transfer from CD$1,500
Cash Inflow $ 8,470

106 properties were billed in June, through 7/31, 59% of residents have paid.
As of 8/12, 65% have paid

Expenditures during the year:
Last year annual meeting $ 517
Spring clean up $ 54
Web Site $ 15
Office supplies $ 166
Mosquito Spraying
o 2022 contract$8,750
o 2021 Credit$ – 316
Cash outflow$ 9,186

End year checking account balance $ 6,846

Fulton Bank – 18 mos 7/21/23 0.45%$18,595.51
Fulton Bank – 12 mos 8/6/2022 0.15%$ 4,051.86
Fulton Bank – 12 mos 3/172023 0.15%$ 4,511.31
End year CD’s balance$ 27,159
Total Funds – Checking & CD’s$ 34,005
Despite the increased cost of spraying, we did not raise the dues but supplemented the payment to Kirkwood with a transfer of $1,500 from the CD’s.

Mosquito spraying increased this year 9% over last year with spraying to continue into October if needed. The start up of spraying was slow due to all the rain we had in April and June, so once confirmed, we should receive a credit some time in the late fall of this year.

The President reiterated to please call Delmarva if the power goes out so they will have a better idea of the outage size. That includes internet service.

The President asked for any questions. Fred was questioning the size of the mosquito sprayer pump. He felt it wasn’t being optimized. The President will follow up with the Mosquito Spraying service.
The meeting ended at 3:10pm.

Elkforest Civic Association Quarterly Meeting – March 23, 2022

Christine LaPense- President
Patty Truitt- Treasurer
Lule Megahed-Secretary
Dave Mitchell-Webmaster
Board members-June Estock, David Silverman, Christian LaPense and Ralph DeMartino

At 6:30pm a quorum of the board was present and the meeting was called to order by Christine. The agenda discussed is as follows:

  • Spring cleanup is scheduled for April 23 at 9am. The Silvermans will not attend. June offered to make the coffee and buy donuts. Patty will bring table. Mike Leshner traditionally takes trash bags to dump. It was decided that trash pick up would end at the Sinking Springs driveway.
  • Treasure’s report is attached. The account balance is $1541.02.
  • The mosquito spraying contract this year will continue with Kirkwood. Raising the dues were discussed but decided against. The EFCA CD account can be used to offset any additional costs, if needed.
  • There was a discussion regarding the EFCA involvement in Halloween activities and it was affirmed that the EFCA does not have any nor will any be sponsored.
  • There was an extensive discussion about aggressive animals in the neighborhood. If anyone is approached/attacked by any animal, the Cecil County Animal Control should be contacted.
  • There was open discussion on new residents, new home construction, use of the DNR hunting lands, gunshots/target shooting and a “progressive” dinner.  No actions came out of this discussion.
  • The Summer Picnic/Annual Meeting will occur at the LaPense residence on August 13 from 1-4pm.
  • Elections for officers will be announced in the newsletter. Dave Mitchell will make an email distribution list.

The President asked if there was any additional topics for discussion, with none suggested, at 7:35 a motion to adjourned was made.

EFCA Treasurer’s Report – March 23, 2022
Cash activity since Annual Meeting – 8/21

Balance at 7/31/21 7,562.11
2021 Dues Received 1,445.00
Refund for 2021 missed sprays 315.8
Transfer from CD 1,500.00
Website -15.17
Annual Meeting -516.72
2022 Mosquito Spray -8,750.00

Balance at 3/23/22 1,541.02


Fulton Bank 18,584.05 18 mos1/21/2022 0.45%
Fulton Bank 4,049.36 12 mos 8/6/2021 0.15%
Fulton Bank 4,508.32 12 mos 3/23/2023 0.15%

CD interest earned since 7/31/21 on the above was $53.35

Since 7/31, 17 people lhave paid.
To date 90 residents out of 112 have paid, which is 80%
2 new homes under construction & new owners at 1503 Elk Forest have committed to pay

2020-2021 Final Results
Dues collected in 2021 $7395
2021 Mosquito spraying -$6316
Other expenses -$656
Total $423

Elk Forest Civic Association 

Quarterly  Meeting-Oct. 27, 2021


  • Christine and Christian LaPense
  • Joanne and David Silverman
  • Patti Truitt
  • Lule Megahed
  • Dave Mitchell
  • June Estock
  • Mike  Leshner
  • Ralph DeMartino

President Christine LaPense began the video meeting at 6:30pm. The agenda was discussed as follows:

  • Mosquito spraying review-2 treatments were missed so $300 will be refunded. Concerns were voiced about missed driveways. Christine will discuss with contractor.
  • Winter Cleanup-weekend after Thanksgiving 12/4. Coffee and donuts will be provided as well as garbage bags. Treasurer Patti Truitt will reach out to Sinking Springs to get details of highway adoption details. Board member Ralph DeMartino voiced his concerns about the safety of the volunteers. Secretary Lule Megahed will investigate safety sign for cleanup.
  • Holiday Party-1/8, 5-8pm at LaPense rental. It will be run like the Annual Picnic- main dish and alcoholic beverages will be provided by EFCA. Families can bring a side dish.

Flyers will be distributed in mailboxes. Christian LaPense will add in next newsletter. 

  • Events for 2022- A Progressive Dinner on the same date as the Spring Cleanup April 23, 2022
    • Game/card night for Feb/March.
    • Annual Picnic- August
  • Open Forum- Christian LaPense brought up the topic of California’s new zoning laws and what it could mean to the future of our community. He suggests we investigate and research on how to prevent duplication of California’s legislation occurring in our community.

The video call ended at 7:06pm.

EFCA Treasurer’s Report October 27, 2021

Cash activity since our last meeting



Balance 7/31/21



Dues Received



Annual Meeting



Web Site fee



Balance 10/27/21





Fulton Bank



18 mo.


Fulton Bank



12 mo.


Fulton Bank



12 mo.


Balance 10/27/21



Total as of 10/27/21



CD’s Interest earned since 7/31 on the 3 above was $17.47


Since 7/31, 13 people have paid.  I sent out past due notices on October 8.   We have received 13 payments since that date.  To date, 84 residents out of 112 have paid, which is 75%.

Patricia Truitt, Treasurer

Elk Forest Civic Association

Annual Meeting and Community Picnic August 15, 2021

Committee members in attendance:

  • Christine LaPense-President
  • Christian LaPense-Board Member
  • June Estock-Board Member
  • Mike Leshner-Board Member
  • Cris Brookmyer-Treasurer (absent and excused)
  • Lule Megahed-Secretary
  • Kathy Alzos-Board Member
  • David Silverman-Board Member
  • Joanne Silverman-Vice President
  • Dave Mitchell – Web Master


The Annual Meeting was called to order by President Christine LaPense at 2:30p.m. Minutes of the meeting are detailed below:

  • Christine welcomed everyone and had new neighbors introduce themselves.
  • The Treasurer’s Report was read to the attendees.
  • Elections were held:
    • Treasurer-Patty Truitt
    • Webmaster-Dave Mitchell
    • Board member-Ralph DeMartino
  • Information about the Little Lending Library was given.
  • The concept of Progressive Dinners was introduced as well as game nights.
  • Halloween Parade and Party was discussed.
  • Newsletter is welcomed addition.
  • After Holiday Party to be held at LaPense home 1/8/22.
  • June Estock introduced the By Laws update to include webmaster position. Vote occurred with amendment passed.  Updated on website.
  • The history of funds in EFCA treasury was given.
  • Total attendance was 34

Motion to Adjourn Meeting – A motion was made by Dave to adjourn the meeting; June seconded the motion. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 2:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Lule Megahed, EFCA Secretary

Elk Forest Civic Association Quarterly meeting –  June 23, 2021

The Elk Forest Civic Association Quarterly meeting was called to order at 6:42 PM on Jun 23, 2021.


  • Christine LaPense, President
  • Joanne Silverman, Vice President
  • Cris Brookmyer, Treasurer
  •  Lule Megahed, Secretary
  • June Estock, Past President
  • David Silverman, Board Member
  • Christian LaPense, Board Member
  • Mike Leshner, Board Member


  • Kathy Alzos, Board Member
  • Dave Mitchell, Web Master

The topics of discussion were as follows:

1. The Annual Meeting and Picnic on August 15, 2021 will be held from 1pm to 4pm at 184 South Shore Drive, with the possibility of having the Kilby Cream Moo Mobile or another ice cream vendor invited to attend around 3pm. Christine offered to investigate. There was a discussion about entertainment. Mike offered to make contact with a musician. Christian offered to contact DJ. Members will be providing tents and tables to the picnic. Christine will provide burgers and hot dogs. June will be providing sodas. Joanne will provide fixings for burgers. Lule will provide coolers and ice. The flyer/newsletter will request attendees to bring chairs, a side dish or dessert. Elections will occur this year for the VP and Treasurer positions. Joanne offered to stay on as VP if there was no one else. Cris believes she has someone available to replace her as Treasurer.

2.  Christine and Christian will resurrect the newsletter. It will include the picnic reminder. Members offered to help distribute to mailboxes.

3. By-Laws: June showed us the new by-law amendment that includes the Webmaster position. Voting on the amendment will occur at the Annual Meeting and picnic in August.

4.  Financial Report by Cris. The accounts are now all consolidated to one bank.

5. Discussion about mosquito spraying. Everyone seemed happy with results from new contractor. Christine will travel with driver to ensure all driveways will be visited.

6.  Christine and others volunteered to distribute Welcome Packets to new neighbors

7.  The LaPenses described a traveling dinner party idea called Progressive dinners. The board was open to having it introduced at the Picnic.

8.  The Holiday party was discussed. It was suggested we have had it on New Year’s Day in the past. The LaPenses were kind enough to offer their rental for the event, however would prefer to have it the weekend after New Year’s Day. Thank you!

The meeting was motioned for closure by Cris Brookmyer and seconded by board members. Meeting adjourned at 7:33PM

Elk Forest Civic Association Meeting – February 24, 2021

A meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM on February 24, 2021.  


  • Christine LaPense, President
  • Joanne Silverman, Vice President
  • Cris Brookmyer, Treasurer
  • June Estock, Past President
  • David Silverman, Board Member
  • Christian LaPense, Board Member
  • Dave Leshner, Board Member
  • Dave Mitchell, Web Master


  • Kathy Alzos, Board Member
  • Lule Megahed, Secretary

The topics of discussion were as follows:

  1. Mosquito Control Spraying.  A quote was received and whose costs were favorable, from Kirkwood Pest Control, a local vendor.  A contract is in under review with sprayings to commence as follows:  April-June, 2021, twice a week and July-October, once a week. The proposed cost of this contract is $6,000 for the season with either credits or refunds being issued for missed sprayings.  The contract will be reviewed to clarify. Cris Brookmyer (Treasurer) indicated we will need to liquidate one of the EFCA accounts to fund this cost up front.
  2. Neighborhood Clean Up Day is scheduled for Saturday, April 10th, with a rain date of Sunday, April 11th.  Clean up supplies will be provided by EFCA (bags, coffee, donuts).
  3. By-Laws (June): 
    The Board proposed the civic association by-laws be amended to include the Webmaster as a member of the Board of Directors as follows: Article I-Board of Directors, Section 1. (A) The Board of Directors shall be composed of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer (Officers), the immediate Past-President, four elected Directors and the Webmaster.  Voting on the proposed amendment by Association Members will take place at the Annual Meeting in August 2021 and the EFCA Community Bylaws would be amended accordingly.
  4. It has been proposed that due to the change in necessary technology, a Web Master will always be needed and attend the Board Meetings, and therefore is recommended to be a voting Board Member.  This will be presented at the annual Member Meeting this summer.  The Community Bylaws would be changed accordingly.
  5. Discussion ensued around clarification on what exactly the “dues” constitute and how to define it in the Bylaws.  It was agreed that the traditional membership fee and the “Mosquito abatement” cost separation need to be melded into and under a single “dues” fee and that the “dues” provide the following:  1) Membership and voting rights regarding EFCA activity, 2) Costs associated with the yearly Spring Clean Up, 3) Seasonal Mosquito Spraying (contracted service), 4) Website maintenance, 5) Annual meeting/picnic, 6) Support of a Holiday gathering (as needed), EFCA signage (as needed), and general community needs as deemed appropriate.  The actual cost of the annual “dues” will be determined by the Board of Directors on an annual basis and presented to the membership at the annual meeting/picnic for voting approval.  At this time, the Board agreed to no changes to the Bylaws regarding the section on dues.
  6. Little Free Library: The Little Free Library is open for business.  Book donations for all ages are needed. Feel free to leave a book in the library or contact June Estock with larger book donations, or if you have any questions.

The meeting was motioned for closure by David Silverman and seconded by board members.  Meeting adjourned at 6:45PM

Recorded by Christine LaPense, President

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