Hello Neighbors! We hope you are enjoying Spring on the days that it is showing its face!
Your Elk Forest Civic Association held a board meeting on March 23th at the Silverman Residence. One of our newer neighbors attended and it was nice to hear from them. Remember that anyone can attend a board meeting or bring a concern to a board member. The EFCA is not a typical homeowners association but a place for neighbors to connect on mutually concerning issues and we would love to hear from you.
We have received the bill for the 2023 mosquito spraying and wanted to let you know that the board unanimously agreed that the Association will absorb the 8% price increase rather than passing it on to residents. We will have further discussion on this topic at the annual meeting on August 12 (Rain date: August 13).
Our annual Spring Cleanup will be April 22nd. (Rain date: April 23rd) Elk Forest Road appears to be a magnet for debris and every year we are amazed at the amount of garbage we collect. Please plan to meet at 9am on the corner of South Forest and Elk Forest Roads for coffee and donuts before setting out on our assignments. Bags are provided and the association will dispose of the garbage that is collected. It is suggested you bring gloves and wear appropriate shoes for the boggy sides of the road. This is a great time to connect with your neighbors while doing a little something for Earth Day, and if you have a student looking for some community service hours we would be only too happy to sign their log sheet!
We’ve become aware of a possible alternate service provider for internet/TV/phone for our area, likely late in 2024. Talkie is currently laying fiber optic lines to homes without high speed internet access and will come west on Elk Forest Road as far as Sinking Springs this year. The owner tells us that once that work is complete they will be looking for additional customers and that clusters of homes where people have expressed interest will be their first priority. If you are curious about an alternative to Breezeline you may contact Talkie to be added to their database and they will contact you when they reach the next stage of construction their network. Just go to Talkiefiber.com, click on the “hamburger” in the upper right corner, choose “Residential Internet”, pick a plan and hit the “Customize” button (no, you are NOT actually choosing a plan right now, but this is how they are tracking interest), and fill out the contact info, etc. No payment information is requested and there is no obligation – nor are we pushing this in any way – we just want you to be aware that there may be a choice heading our way.
We would like to thank a few of our members for their above and beyond contributions to our association. Tom Melnick for his maintenance on our beautiful sign welcoming all into Elk Forest, David Silverman for his enthusiasm in keeping everyone informed with our wonderful new sign boards, (don’t you just love these larger sign boards?) and Christine and Christian LaPense for hosting our holiday party in their lovely rental home. Last but not least, Dave Mitchell, webmaster extraordinaire, for being “johnny on the spot” posting EFCA news to our website.
One final request, neighbors: please be mindful of your speed while driving through our beautiful neighborhood. We are a community of families, walkers and runners, and with no shoulders on our roads we need to be ever cautious of each other.
Thank you and we hope to see you at the Spring Clean Up!
Sherri Mitchell and Joanne Silverman